Talisman log


Thursday, October 20, 2011

[10:24:54] Lubagov_H joins the room as participant and member
[10:24:55] Lubagov_H is now online
[10:24:55] Lubagov-freQ joins the room as participant and member
[10:24:55] Lubagov-freQ is now online (freQ-bot is online)
[10:24:55] Talisman-bot joins the room as participant and member
[10:24:55] Talisman-bot is now online (напишите "помощь" и следуйте указаниям, чтобы понять как со мной работать)
[10:24:55] anfusa установил(а) тему: Общение на свободные темы,и просто так ;-)
[10:24:55] <Talisman-bot> меня привёл tkabber
[10:25:14] Lubagov_H leaves the room
[20:01:17] ierodpe joins the room as moderator and owner
[20:01:17] ierodpe is now online
[20:02:03] <ierodpe> Lubagov_H: спасибо
[20:02:33] MXP joins the room as moderator and owner
[20:02:33] MXP is now online
[20:02:59] <ierodpe> Пинг
[20:03:01] <Talisman-bot> ierodpe: понг от тебя 0.236 секунд
[20:03:30] Talisman-bot joins the room as moderator and admin
[20:03:30] Talisman-bot is now online (напишите "помощь" и следуйте указаниям, чтобы понять как со мной работать)
[20:04:10] <ierodpe> Дата
[20:04:20] <ierodpe> Часики
[20:04:20] <Talisman-bot> ierodpe: у тебя сейчас 20.10.11 22:03
[20:07:06] <ierodpe> Lubagov_H: захотели, только он свалил
[20:07:59] Lubagov-freQ joins the room as moderator and admin
[20:07:59] Lubagov-freQ is now online (freQ-bot is online)
[20:20:28] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[20:20:28] anfusa is now online
[20:22:32] anfusa leaves the room
[20:25:32] MXP leaves the room (Этого участника выгнали из комнаты за то, что он послал присутствие с ошибкой: remote-server-not-found)
[21:16:17] ierodpe leaves the room
[21:47:49] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[21:47:49] anfusa is now online
[21:48:17] anfusa leaves the room