Talisman log


Monday, October 31, 2011

[05:15:33] anfusa is now online
[05:15:39] anfusa leaves the room
[12:42:48] anfusa is now online
[12:42:48] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[12:43:19] anfusa leaves the room
[13:05:18] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[13:05:18] anfusa is now online
[13:06:11] anfusa leaves the room
[14:06:54] anfusa is now online
[14:06:54] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[14:07:23] anfusa leaves the room
[14:17:49] anfusa is now online
[14:17:49] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[14:18:27] anfusa leaves the room
[14:58:45] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[14:58:45] anfusa is now online
[15:07:38] anfusa leaves the room
[16:47:31] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[16:47:31] anfusa is now online
[16:47:38] anfusa leaves the room
[17:59:24] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[17:59:24] anfusa is now online
[18:00:30] anfusa is now online
[18:02:52] anfusa leaves the room
[18:03:17] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[18:03:17] anfusa is now online
[18:03:43] anfusa leaves the room
[18:04:08] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[18:04:08] anfusa is now online
[18:08:33] anfusa leaves the room
[18:30:22] ierodpe joins the room as moderator and owner
[18:30:22] ierodpe is now online
[18:34:57] <ierodpe> Где кто
[18:47:47] <ierodpe> Пинг
[18:47:48] <Talisman-bot> ierodpe: понг от тебя 0.335 секунд
[18:52:53] MXP joins the room as moderator and owner
[18:52:53] MXP is now online
[18:53:16] <ierodpe> Привет Макс
[18:53:19] <MXP> пинг
[18:53:24] <Talisman-bot> MXP: понг от тебя 4.876 секунд
[18:53:36] <ierodpe> Talisman-bot: ого :-D
[18:53:38] <MXP> ierodpe: привет
[18:54:24] <MXP> Тормоzzzzzzz
[18:59:50] <MXP> Отца Алексея отправляют в Ст.монастырь
[19:00:07] <ierodpe> MXP: ага блин :-(
[19:00:18] <MXP> :-( и Вар. тоже скоро уйдет,не за горами
[19:00:21] <ierodpe> Заколебали
[19:00:37] <MXP> За...ли
[19:00:48] <MXP> Колебал.и
[19:01:17] <MXP> Хер пойми
[19:01:42] <MXP> Кого теперь ждать
[19:03:12] <MXP> Всяких литовок, газонокосилок,комбайнов
[19:04:18] <MXP> Серпов и пропеллеров
[19:04:47] <ierodpe> MXP: :-D
[19:04:54] <MXP> :-D
[19:05:28] <MXP> Кроме как разрушать,че бы умели еще :-D
[19:06:21] <ierodpe> MXP: бой будет 4ноября в пятницу, в 8часов
[19:06:40] <ierodpe> Можно к Сереге сходить
[19:06:49] <ierodpe> Посмотреть
[19:07:12] <MXP> Невольно вспоминается эта хрень,которая здания рушит,такой чугунный шар на стропах
[19:07:27] <ierodpe> MXP: :-D
[19:07:32] <MXP> ierodpe: я бы хотел
[19:07:33] <ierodpe> Баба :-D
[19:07:43] <MXP> :-D ага
[19:07:50] <ierodpe> MXP: а служба будет наверно
[19:07:59] <MXP> Надо мне отпроситься заранее
[19:08:08] <MXP> Аа
[19:10:36] <MXP> Интересно глянуть :-)
[19:11:14] <MXP> Я вообще с удовольствием смотрю бои Дениса Лебедева
[19:11:50] <MXP> Какими то они увлекательными получаются :-)
[19:15:59] <MXP> Тык Lubagov-freQ
[19:16:00] MXP leaves the room
[19:16:01] * Talisman-bot ткнул Lubagov-freQ в глаз
[19:16:43] MXP joins the room as moderator and owner
[19:16:43] MXP is now online
[19:17:10] MXP leaves the room (Replaced by new connection)
[19:17:10] MXP joins the room as moderator and owner
[19:17:10] MXP is now online
[19:20:30] MXP leaves the room
[19:34:59] ierodpe leaves the room
[20:11:41] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[20:11:41] anfusa is now online
[20:12:15] <anfusa> gbyu
[20:16:06] anfusa leaves the room (Replaced by new connection)
[20:16:08] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[20:16:08] anfusa is now online
[20:21:05] anfusa leaves the room
[21:19:07] Lubagov-freQ is now online (freQ-bot is online)
[21:19:08] Talisman-bot joins the room as moderator and admin
[21:19:08] Talisman-bot is now online (напишите "помощь" и следуйте указаниям, чтобы понять как со мной работать)
[21:19:08] anfusa установил(а) тему: Общение на свободные темы,и просто так ;-)
[22:54:52] anfusa is now online
[22:54:52] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[23:15:53] anfusa leaves the room