Talisman log


Monday, November 21, 2011

[11:02:28] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[11:02:28] anfusa is now online
[11:22:43] anfusa leaves the room
[14:29:19] MXP is now online
[14:29:19] MXP joins the room as moderator and owner
[14:30:40] MXP leaves the room
[16:57:34] ierodpe is now online
[16:57:34] ierodpe joins the room as moderator and owner
[18:11:25] <ierodpe> Пинг
[18:11:28] <Talisman-bot> ierodpe: понг от тебя 0.235 секунд
[18:28:23] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[18:28:23] anfusa is now online
[18:28:54] <anfusa> пинг
[18:28:54] <Talisman-bot> anfusa: понг от тебя 0.375 секунд
[18:29:01] <anfusa> пинг
[18:29:02] <Talisman-bot> anfusa: понг от тебя 0.383 секунд
[18:42:03] anfusa leaves the room (Replaced by new connection)
[18:42:04] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[18:42:04] anfusa is now online
[20:05:37] anfusa leaves the room (Replaced by new connection)
[20:05:46] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[20:05:46] anfusa is now online
[20:07:19] anfusa leaves the room (Replaced by new connection)
[20:07:22] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[20:07:22] anfusa is now online
[20:07:38] anfusa leaves the room
[20:08:41] anfusa joins the room as moderator and admin
[20:08:41] anfusa is now online
[20:09:16] anfusa is now online
[20:30:08] MXP joins the room as moderator and owner
[20:30:08] MXP is now dnd
[20:30:30] <MXP> пинг
[20:30:32] <Talisman-bot> MXP: понг от тебя 0.792 секунд
[20:39:31] anfusa leaves the room
[20:58:37] MXP leaves the room
[21:52:05] ierodpe leaves the room