[02:19:54]Talisman-bot joins the room as moderator and admin [02:22:12]Lubagov-freQ joins the room as moderator and admin [02:22:12]Lubagov-freQ is now online (freQ-bot is online) [02:22:13]Talisman-bot joins the room as moderator and admin [02:22:13]Talisman-bot is now online (напишите "помощь" и следуйте указаниям, чтобы понять как со мной работать) [02:22:13]MXPS установил(а) тему: тишина... [13:08:03]MXP joins the room as moderator and owner [13:08:03]MXP is now online [13:09:28]MXP leaves the room [14:33:10]MXP joins the room as moderator and owner [14:33:10]MXP is now online [14:33:29]<MXP > пинг [14:33:31]<Talisman-bot> MXP : ещё разик :) [14:33:38]<MXP > пинг [14:33:39]<Talisman-bot> MXP : понг от тебя 0.863 секунд [14:35:41]MXP leaves the room